Greater Than Hype ?
VANITY: To be too pridefulof one's own appearance and/or achievements
why we crossed with Vanity
What it means
Vanity means to have an overly obsessive pride in yourself, appearance, or possessions. There are many different layers and meanings behind the VANITY design.
Starting with the bear: The bear represents a possession…a belonging that everyone wants. The bear has so much hype around it that even people that cannot financially afford it flock to it. These types of people have often been called vanity slaves. Which leads to…
The chains around: The chains are used to help visualize the meaning as whole. The chains represent how much falling into the trap of vanity will hold you back from your full potential.
Butterfly within VANITY: The butterfly represents us finally trying to prosper into something better. I think our generation is going to be the one to do it. you see a large amount of people starting their own businesses. learning how to invest. learning taxes, credit, and all of the things that were kept away from us for so long.